What is Mom's mean for you? The simple question with a big, big, big mention and hard to answer...

Mom's mean :

A women who had bring you in her pregnan for over than 9 month... it isn't a short day. ..

A women who loved you, much love you, take care of you from your birth until we grow up just like now..be a man, a women like now....

A women who is always gave you the best her effort to fulfill your request.... event it will be hurting herself...

Many.. many..poetry we can describe for MOM ... but those could not replace her LOVE to us...event just like a small as dust...

Remain yourself:

Have you gave her a little bit attention for her when she was talk to you?

Have you gave her a little present in her birthday or in her special moment, event just once for a year?

Have you ever gave her a big huge when she's cried?

No one can replace her in our site...., our live...

Please ask in your deep heart...What is Mom mean for YOU? What we have done to our MOM in the pass year.....

It's no time to say...."it's to late..."

Let make her happy... maybe it's only a few days left that we have together with her.... or we have to sorry... DON'T BE LATE....

Happy Mom's Day

Written by: Hasti Widiyanti


pakde sulas said...

ibu bagiku adalah segalanya, tak bisa dilukiskan dengan kata kata

Cangkru'an Rek...!!! said...

@Pakde Sulas:

Matur nuwun Pakde atas "pertamax"nya, komen di postingan kali ini...

Memang sosok ibu bagi kita adalah segala-galanya Pakde....tiada kata yang akan cukup untuk dirangkai demi menceritakan segala pengorbanan beliau...

Salam Cangkru'an

Cangkru'an Rek...!!! said...


Thanks for commenting in my blog...Sure...I'll visit your site...

heru said...

selamat hari ibu

Cangkru'an Rek...!!! said...


Selamat hari ibu juga...

Thanks Mas..

march said...


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Tehnoking said...

Hi....friends Interesting blog do you have and now I Add ur link in my blogroll, please Add my link too, I'm waiting.

Tehnoking said...

Hi....friends Interesting blog do you have and now I Add ur link in my blogroll, please Add my link too, I'm waiting.

ayu said...

Mom is everything in this world ^_^

Pongky Toding said...

Ibu sangat istimewa di hati siapupun

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Oyah said...

Mampiirrr, salam kenal dr org Karawang... mampir2 jga yaaa ke blog aq >> http://salonoyah.blogspot.com

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