I've got an e-mail sent by a friend telling about his amazing days in Europe traveling around Amsterdam, Athens, Greece, and Prague. He used an excellent hotel agency who had helped him arrange his Unforgettable moment in Europe. That's makes me feel jealous with him regarding his exciting travel experiences.

He told me that he will never forget his first Amsterdam experiences. Amsterdam has so much to see. Studded with canals and bridges, Amsterdam begs to be explored by food or bike. Amsterdam tours of the city will reveal the more than 40 museums. The famous Van Gogh Museum, the world's largest collection from the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh(1853-1890)draws hundred of thousand of visitor each year. Also Dam Square, a town square in Amsterdam is best known for the famous historical site and monuments.

Next after Amasterdam he went to Athens. Athens has Temple of Olympus, Ancient Agora, Acropolis, and many old cultural riches. No trips to Athens would be complete without a visit to scared rock of the Acropolis an obvious choice for a fortress and sanctuary in ancient time.

He also told me that Greece is a country in Southern Europe with over a hundred inhabited islands therefore it's famous with island touring. Greece also has an ancient culture that has had a significant influence on the arts, language, philosophy, politics, and sports of western society, including the genres of comedy and drama, western alphabets, Platonic ideals and the Socratic method, democracies and republics, and the Olympics.

And the last place he told me that he went to Prague. According to my friend Prague is a great place to be any time of the year. Prague has so many beautiful historical sites such as Prague Castle, Old Town Square with very beautiful historical buildings surround the square , Wenceslas Square the largest and busiest shopping street in Prague, etc. Absolutely fantastic place for leisure, to explore architecture, and go shopping. There's something magic about that city!

He told me that it was because of he used Cheaperthanhotel services, so that he could enjoy all his time in Europe. Cheaperthanhotel gift him the best available services in assisting to find the best quality deal at the best possible price in our in Europe. Cheaperthanhotel have been providing online reservation service since 1996 for more than 30,000 hotels in 130 countries worldwide.

That's it. What an amazing experience my friend has had. That 's the reason I become jealous to him !!!

Picture: Yahoo Travel

Korban flu burung masih berjatuhan juga hingga saat ini. Kiranya ancaman maut virus H5N1 ini masih mengintai kita melalui banyak cara dan datang dari mana saja. Bukan hanya bangkai unggas yang patut kita cermati, akan tetapi segala sesuatu yang bersinggungan dengan unggas pun patut kita waspadai juga. Kali ini virus ganas tersebut mulai di tengarai menyebar dari pupuk tanaman.

Tengok saja berita dari Tempo Interaktif edisi 11 Desember 2007. Mutiah 28 tahun, diberitakan meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit(RS) Persahabatan, Jakarta karena tertular virus H5N1(virus flu burung) yang diduga dari pupuk kandang/pupuk kompos. Dugaan ini berdasar pada pemeriksaan unggas di sekitar tempat tinggal korban hasilnya negatif. Dan dugaan tersebut semakin menguat karena warga Cikokol Tangerang tersebut berprofesi sebagai penjual tanaman, yang setiap harinya bersentuhan dengan pupuk kandang/pupuk kompos sebagai media merawat dan menanam tanaman.

Berita ini selain memprihatinkan juga menuntut perhatian dari pemerintah maupun kita semua, agar tidak sesekali mengendorkan kewaspadan dari ancaman virus flu burung(H5N1) yang senantiasa mengintai kita. Terlebih lagi perhatian dan ketertarikan masyarakat banyak saat ini sedang tersedot ke tanaman hias, seiring dengan lagi booming-nya tanaman aglonema, adenium maupun fenomena dari anthurium . Yang tentu saja hal tersebut tidak bisa lepas dari segala aktifitas yang berkaitan dengan pupuk kandang ataupun kompos....

This year’s scientific report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made clear beyond doubt that climate change is a reality and can seriously harm the future development of our economies, societies and eco-systems worldwide. Immediate action is needed to be able to prevent the most severe impacts. Since climate change is a global issue, tackling climate change and its impacts can only be successfully coordinated at the international level.

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) presents the appropriate forum to do this. It has been expanded by the Kyoto Protocol which includes emission reduction commitments for developed countries over the period 2008-2012.

A new international climate change deal must be put in place in time to ensure that necessary action is undertaken immediately after 2012 when the current phase of the Kyoto Protocol ends. Therefore, comprehensive negotiations on a new climate deal need to begin without further delay. At the Bali Conference, Parties are expected to agree to the launch of this process.

"There is a great deal of public awareness of the significance of the Bali conferences. There is a public demand for concrete and bold accents. Thus we are looking forward to their principal outcome: a bold, global decision addressing climate change without significantly jeopardizing development efforts. That is what makes the Bali climate conference so crucial to the future of humankind" said Mr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of Indonesia.

Ever wonder how does big hit site drive traffic to their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and differents forms of marketing schemes. This is all worthwhile because give high earning, big hitting websites.

There are many ways to generate low cost website traffic without having to spend what you don’t have or can’t afford. Many people have banked on high cost methods and have ended up losing their shirt over it.
Here the top five ways to generate low cost website traffic that could help our site a whole lot:

1. Exchange links
Exchanging links also boosts your chances of getting a high ranking in search engine results. It is common knowledge that search engines ranks high sites that have inbound and outbound theme-related links. With a good ranking position in the search engines, you will generate more traffic in your website without the high costs.

2. Traffic exchange
This is like exchanging links but on a different higher level. This may cost a bit more than exchanging or trading links but could be made cheaper because you get to earn credits. You can use those credits when viewing others traffic, while you earn credits when someone views yours.
Traffic exchange services are the viewing of another’s site or page. This is done vice versa where a site can use your sites contents and so can you to his or her site. Once again the public awareness of your sites existence is boosted.

3. Write and Submit Articles
Write articles that are themed along with the niche of your site. Write something that you have expertise on so that when they read it, they can feel your knowledge about the subject and will be eager to go to your site. Write articles that produce tips and guidelines to the subject or niche your site has.

4. Make a Newsletter
This may sound like hard work because of all the articles you may need to use to build a newsletter but on the contrary, this is not so. There are many writers and sites that are willing to provide free articles as long as they can get their name in on your newsletter. This will also provide free advertising for them as well.

As your newsletter gets pass around, you can widen your public awareness and build an opt-in list that can regularly visit your site.

5. Join Online Communities and Forums
This only requires your time and nothing else. You can share your knowledge and expertise with many online communities as well as your website. You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

Source: The Millionaire League.Com
Picture: Lir3nt's Hack

Buah merah, buah yang bernama Latin "Pandanus conoideus Lam" tumbuh di dataran tinggi 1000 - 3000 meter dpl ini banyak ditemukan di hutan-hutan di seluruh Papua . Terutama yang terbanyak ditemukan di pegunungan Jayawijaya.
Bentuk buahnya yang seperti nangka cempedak dengan panjang mencapai 1.5 meter, tadinya banyak di biarkan terlantar dan banyak dipakai oleh suku-suku di pedalaman Papua sebagai teman makan umbi-umbian, bahkan juga sebagai pakan ternak.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini buah merah menjadi sangat terkenal, tidak saja di kalangan masyarakat Papua, tapi juga masyarakat seuruh penjuru tanah air. Fenomena ini terkait dengan hasil penelitian yang menemukan bahwa buah merah mengandung anti oksidan yang bersifat anti kanker dan tokoferol atau vitamin E.

Buah ini sontak menjadi fenomena baru di dunia pengobatan alternative dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, karena khasiatnya yang sanggup menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Bahkan buah ini juga dipercaya mampu menyembuhkan HIV/AIDS. Dan tetu saja hal tersebut menjadi kabar yang menggembirakan bagi masyarakat.

Namun kepercayaan berlebih tanpa batas tentang khasiat buah merah ini juga dapat mengundang celaka. Terutama mengenai klaim bahwa buah merah dapat menyembuhkan AIDS.

Menurut ahli gizi senior dan pelatih WHO untuk perawatan, dukungan, dan pengobatan AIDS Dr Paul F Matulessy, MN.PGK.DspGK, adalah salah jika buah merah disebut bisa menyembuhkan AIDS. " Itu adalah Kesimpulan yang keliru" tegasnya dalam suatu diskusi bulanan mengenai asupan gizi bagi ODHA di Jakarta.

Bahkan beliau menuturkan kisah tragis orang dengan HIV/AIDS(ODHA) yang begitu mempercayai khasiat buah mearh tersebut, sampai-sampai ia memutuskan berhenti untuk menggunakan obat Antiretroviral(ARV) ynag berfungsi sebagai pencegah penggandaan sel HIV. Akibatnya dalam hitungan bulan kondisi ODHA tersebut semakin memburuk dan kemudian meninggal dunia.

Menurut Dr Paul, buah merah semestinya harus dipandang sebagai pelengkap ARV, karena buah merah mampu membantu limphosit meningkatkan jumlah sel kekebalan tubuh(CD4). "Namun buah merah tak bisa membunuh AIDS" tegas beliau.

Selain tetap mengkonsumsi ARV, yang paling penting dan utama bagi ODHA adalah menjaga asupan gizi. Dengan menjaga asupan gizi yang baik, sistem kekebalan tubuh atau CD4 dari ODHA akan bertambah, sehingga kualitas hidup mereka juga jadi lebih baik. Dengan kata lain, kombinasi ARV dan pemberian gizi yang baik akan memperlambat tahapan HIV ke stadium AIDS.

Picture from: InfoPapua.com

The climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it has altered as a result of natural causes. Nowadays, however, the term climate change is generally used when referring to changes in our climate which have been identified since the early part of the 1900's. The changes we've seen over recent years and those which are predicted over the next 80 years are thought to be mainly as a result of human behaviour rather than due to natural changes in the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is very important when we talk about climate change as it relates to the gases which keep the Earth warm. It is the extra greenhouse gases which humans have released which are thought to pose the strongest threat.

The greenhouse effect is at the center of the climate change debate. Therefore, its important to understand how its affects our planet.
The sun heats up the earth by sending solar rays towards us. Some of these rays don't get through our atmosphere. Those that do, warm up the Earth.

When the Earth warms up it radiates its own rays of heat - infrared rays. Those which don't escape past the atmosphere, are absorbed by greenhouse gases. These green houses gases warm the Earth so it is at the temperature we experience now. Without this process the Earth would be some 30 C cooler and life on our planet would be very different.

However, we are producing too many greenhouse gases, which mean they are absorbing more heat and warming the Earth too much - this is called "global warming".
One of main greenhouse gases is Carbon Dioxide which can be created from the chopping down and burning of trees.

The fossil-fuel used in cars, power-plants and machinery also creates Carbon Dioxide. Therefore, if we reduce the use of fuel and reduce deforestation, the amount of greenhouse gas around the Earth should also be reduce.

Scientists say it is already too late to prevent global warming and therefore climate change. But by reducing greenhouse gases we could still limit the impact. Even a change in temperature of under 1 C is enough to cause changes in rainfall and sea level rises.

from the BBC Weather Centre
picture from: Linc Gas Service Care

PageRank is a formula that assigns a value to every page in the Google index. Google displays search results based on an algorithm which includes the value of PageRank. So the higher your site's PageRank, the more likely it is that you will receive a top listing on the search result page when someone types in the keywords for your site.

It's very simple to see anyone's PageRank. Just download and install the Google toolbar. It's a very quick and easy install. Just be sure to choose the Advanced option during the install so the PageRank of each site you visit will be displayed on the toolbar.

The formula appears so complex you would probably have to be a mathematician to even have a chance to decipher it anyway. It looks something like this:

PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn))

Basically PageRank formula works like this. The more links that point to your website the higher your PageRank will be. The higher the PageRank of the referring page that has your link on it, the more PageRank you receive from Google. For every outgoing link that a page has, the value of those links drop. So for example, a link from a page with a PageRank of 4, and only 3 other links, is worth more than a page with a PageRank of 5 and 100 links. It is also believed that Google assigns more value to a link that comes from a site with similar content. So as you can see, there are many variables when calculating PageRank.

PageRank can be increased by the number of incoming links to your website from other sites on the Internet. In addition, it requires anywhere from five to seven times more to get from one level of PageRank to the next.

So for example, (and this is not a true formula) if 100 PageRank 3 sites with a link to your page give you a PageRank of 4, then it would take around 500 more PageRank 3 sites to link to you before you became PageRank 5. However if you had 1 link from a PageRank 8 site, that might be enough to give a higher PageRank all by its self. It's really all relative and trying to figure it out will simply drive you mad, so don't bother. :) The best thing you can do is obtain as many quality incoming links from other sites with similar content as you possibly can.

Another important factor is the number of pages on your site. The more pages on your site, the higher potential you have to gain in PageRank. More pages doesn't mean you will get a higher PageRank only that you won't hit a ceiling. Apparently Google has a cut off point somewhere on the highest PageRank it will give to sites with a low number of pages.

According to the Google website, they update the index about once a month. However if you spend any amount of time reading search engine forums, you will find that results vary for every webmaster. PageRank may not update or may change drastically for a long period of time which is often times unexplainable. Usually as long as you follow good web site optimization techniques and maintain enough quality incoming links, the index will eventually assign your website PageRank and adjust any changes which may have been made in error.

By: Patrick Carlow
Source: Site-reference
picture from: MarketingSqueeze

I've signed up for PayPerPost sometime ago and just got rejected. I've received an e-mail from PayPerPost to my yahoo mail which said:

Dear yustiawan,
This is a notification to let you know that your blog, From Gresik With love(Cangkru'an Rek), has been rejected for the following reason(s):

Thank you for your blog submission !.

Unfortunately, as per our terms of service, submitted blogs must have at least 20 written posts in the past 90 days in order to be accepted to our marketplace. Please re-submit when you meet this requirement.
Feel free to use PPP Direct an Affiliate tools while you work on meeting the requirements of our Marketplace !

Please log into PayPerPost.com to correct this........

Don't forget that for general tips and.......

Thank you,

The PayPerPost Team


If you have any questions or comments regatding this message, please send us anote...........

150 N Orange Ave.
Suite 304
Orlando, FL 32801

That's a bad news for me...right?
But from my other point of view I think this is a good news...a good information for me. It is clear for me that to be a Postie...the first step is I have to be a better blogger. Which mean that I must keep to writte and post for my Blog consistently... I must give my best efforts to gain the revenue from my blog.....

As we all know that PayPerPost is one of the easiest and quickest ways for anyone to make money on the internet. I f we're accepted to be a Postie, we just have to write about a product or service and they pay us for it. As long as we fulfill the requirements in our article we will receive a payment as agreed upon before writing. Each payment will be at least $4.00, but many are as high as $20.00.
Very interesting isn't it? That's why I'll keep trying to become a Postie.

Wish me Luck!!

In order to make money from promoting affiliate programs, you must select a correct affiliate program. This article reveals some criteria for your reference, e.g. affiliate tracking software, commission structure, affiliate program type, etc...

Affiliate programs are a great means of earning some handy cash; but not all affiliate programs are profitable. Some will only take up your time and energy and some others may even spoil your website reputation. This is why you got to carefully select your affiliate marketing programs and make sure that they work for you same as your work for them. Given below are a few points that will help you make better decision in choosing an affiliate program that works for you rather than working only for the affiliate merchant.

Points to take into consideration before selecting an affiliate program

1.) Your website and your visitors

If you already have a website, make sure to go for online affiliate programs that jell with your website theme. If your website is about cars then promoting cycle related products is going to have very less or no impact.

Secondly finding and scrutinizing your visitors and your target market is a good idea. In any affiliate program, your visitor is the one who is going to get you returns. So primarily get to know your visitors. Analyze your visitor behavior using your website statistics before deciding on which affiliate program to go for. Your objective should be to find out what your visitors are looking for and then promote products of their interest which also match with your existing products or services (if any).

2.) Affiliate merchant's website

Most affiliates don't give much importance to the affiliate merchant's website, forgetting the fact that here's where the actual sales conversion is to take place. It's very important that the affiliate merchant's website is designed to sell. So check and make sure that the merchant's website is free from unwanted banner advertisements/pop- ups and focus on the affiliate product.

Other important things to check out are the sales copy, privacy policy, product guarantees, after sales service and special discounts/offers available with the product/service. Your main aim must be to find out if the product/service features would actually prompt the referred visitor to make a purchase.

Some affiliate merchants promote more than one product/service on a webpage which can dilute the conversion rate. It is best to go for affiliate programs that focus on a single product/service per webpage.

3.) Quality of goods/services

Just imagine how you would feel, if you were referred by a website to a product that turned out to be of inferior quality? Your visitors will feel the same way about your website if you promote inferior or overly priced goods/services. Always make sure to know about the product/service you are planning to promote. Check for testimonials and references from existing customers to find out about the quality of goods. If possible you can even plan on using them yourself to be on the safer side. In addition, also make sure to compare similar products available over the internet for features and rates.

There are many products that have trial periods or return policies associated with them. Products having return policies can increase the conversion rate but may also lead to debiting in case of a chargeback. Promoting products sold on a trial period basis requires cookie detection to track sales at the end of the period which is very unreliable. So it's better to confirm with the affiliate merchant the tracking method used or the affiliate payment scheme, in case the products have trial periods.

4.) Reputation of the affiliate merchant

The reputation of the affiliate merchant is important because the odds are against you. There are chances that some affiliate merchants may not payout or make deductions to your actual payments. So make sure to find out using references about the affiliate merchant's history of making proper payments.

Already existing affiliates of the affiliate merchant are your best source of information. In addition be sure to read their business literature to get an idea about their history of past and present operations.

5.) Commission scheme of the affiliate program

There are many different types of commission schemes that affiliate programs use to reward their affiliates. Some of the most popular ones are pay per click, pay per lead and pay per sale schemes. Some others even offer two tiered and multi tiered commission schemes. Some commission schemes can even be a mix and match of the above.

In case of a pay per click/hit scheme the minimum commission that you can expect is $0.5 to $0.10 per click. For pay per sale a good commission rate would be 15% to 50%. Some companies even offer lifetime commissions, but as most of them are based on cookie identification, they may not work out well.

With the competition increasing almost all merchants have started offering two tiered commissions, some even offer multi tiered ones. Joining these schemes can give you a chance to get paid for the direct sales you make and also for the sales made by affiliates referred by you.

6.) Tracking software used

Tracking software is used by the affiliate merchant to track individual affiliate sales. An affiliate merchant can make use of in- house tracking software, join an affiliate network or use services of an ASP in order to track leads.

In case the affiliate merchant makes use of independent tracking software or ASP services, make sure to find out if the software is reliable and has the ability to track all kinds of sales. If the software uses cookie tracking, find out the duration of the cookie. Although using cookies to track affiliates does not always work fine as the cookies can be deleted by the buyer.

Most affiliate merchants today make use of affiliate network services. Affiliate network services are the safest when it comes to making payments on time, conflict resolution and accurate tracking. Affiliate Networks are also great sources to find good affiliate programs and can help you get payments from different merchants through a single cheque. So make sure to register at some good networks. Some reputed affiliate network services are commission junction, LinkShare, Clickxgalore, and ClickTrade.

7.) Terms and conditions for payment

You do all the hard work as an affiliate and hence you should make sure that you get paid for it. There are chances that the affiliate merchant might have some unwanted rules and regulations in his affiliate agreement; so in-case you don't like to get a bitter shock in the aftermath, be sure to check out the terms and conditions with utmost care. Some things that you got to look out for in the terms and conditions are as follows,

a.) Payment frequency/Payout rate

Make sure that the affiliate merchant makes payments at the end of every month or with- in a few days afterward. Anything above 2 months for making payments is not advisable. Also find out the mode of making payments. Payment gateways are safer and faster as compared to cheques.

b.) Payment for future sales

Many visitors won't buy products on their first visit. They might come back though after some time to make the purchase. Make sure that the affiliate merchant pays you for future sales made by a customer referred by you. Although the chances that you get credit for future sales is low due to cookie deletion possibilities, but it is better to have options open.

c.) Minimum Balance Amount for payout

Most affiliate merchants and affiliate networks have a minimum amount for payout. An affiliate would require reaching that amount to get a payment. Find out the minimum balance and estimate if the target is easily achievable for the given product/service.

d.) Roll over/carry over terms

Roll-overs or carry-overs are related to the minimum balance. If the affiliate fails to achieve the minimum balance within a month (or the set payment date), the payment keeps rolling on. Although this is not a problem, some merchant's may have a fixed rollover period after which the payments will not be issued. Joining such programs is not recommended.

e.) Conditions for Charge-backs on product return

Some merchants have a product return policy which allows the buyer to get full refund in-case he is dissatisfied with the product. The period within which the buyer should return the product to get a refund is called the chargeback period. Make sure to take note of the chargeback period of the merchant and also find out how much of your commission will be debited if this happens. Although products having a return policy will have a better conversion rate they can also lead to the affiliate's cash getting debited or completely taken back.

In addition to the payment terms some other conditions that you got to check out are the 'condition of exclusivity' (which could mean the affiliate cannot promote any other product except the affiliate product/service or that he should not promote competitor products/services) and conflict resolution method of the merchant.

8.) Additional facilities offered

In addition to simply offering banner ads most good affiliate merchants offer other facilities like, real time sales statistics and tracking information, free training on how to promote the products/services, newsletters, affiliate help lines and even website improvement programs. Some affiliate merchants even offer their affiliates a say in their decision making process.

Many good affiliate merchants also have a policy of rewarding better performing affiliates with incentives, over and above the commissions. Joining such programs can really be a rewarding experience.

To succeed in the affiliate marketing game requires knowledge of promoting goods/services not only through your website but also using other online promotion means like email marketing, online advertisements etc. So, make it a point to do lots of reading and information gathering before plunging into the arena. There are many websites that offer quality resources and information on affiliate programs. Some good ones to refer are http://www.bizbrim.com, affiliate-programs-guide.com and affiliatesdirectory.com.

Source: Articles for Internet Business

HIV/AIDS adalah masalah kita bersama. Penyebaran HIV/AIDS yang sangat cepat dan dramatis di Indonesia mau tidak mau menuntut kita untuk ikut berpatisipasi dalam mencegah dan menghentikan penyebarannya.
Terdapat sekitar 90000 sampai 130000 orang Indonesia yang hidup dengan HIV, dan tentu saja penularan penularan baru akan melipatgandakan jumlah tersebut bila tak segera dilakukan aksi pencegahan.Besarnya industri seks yang terus berkembang, tingginya penularan IMS(infeksi menular sksual/penyakit kelamin) serta rendahnya tingkat pemakaian kondom memicu situasi "genting" ini. Infeksi HIV akibat penggunaan narkoba suntik juga mengancam puluhan ribu anak muda Indonesia yang berusia antara 15 hingga 22 tahun.

HIV, yang merupakan singkatan dari Human Immunodeficiency Virus adalah virus penyebab AIDS. HIV terdapat di dalam cairan tubuh seseoarang yang telah terinfeksi seperti di dalam darah, air mani atau cairan vagina. Sebelum HIV berubah menjadi AIDS, penderitanya akan tampak sehat dalam waktu kira-kira 5 samapai 10 tahun. Walaupun tampak sehat, mereka dapat menularkan HIV pada orang lain melalui hubungan seks yang tidak aman, transfusi darah atau pemakaian jarum suntik secara bergantian.

AIDS kepedekan dari Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah kumpulan dari berbagai gejala menurunnya kekebalan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh HIV. Orang yang mengidap AIDS amat mudah tertular oleh berbagai macam penyakit, karena sistem kekebalan di dalam tubuhnya telah menurun.
Sampai sekarang belum ada obat yang dapat menyembuhkan AIDS. Agar dapat terhindar dari HIV/AIDS kita harus tahu bagaiaman cara penularan dan pencegahannya.

HIV dapat ditularkan melalui 3 cara, yakni:
  • Hubungan seks(anal, oral, vaginal) yang tidak terlindung dengan orang yang telah terinfeksi HIV.
  • Penggunaan jarum suntik secara bergantian.
  • Ibu hamil pengidap HIV kepada bayi yang dikandungnya.
HIV tidak ditularkan melalui jabatan tangan, sentuhan, ciuman, pelukan, menggunakan peralatan makan/minum yang sama, gigitan nyamuk, memakai jamban yang sama, atau tinggal serumah.

Biasanya tidak ada gejala khusus pada orang-orang yang terinfeksi oleh HIV dalam waktu 5 samapi 10 tahun. Setelah periode waktu tersebut AIDS mulai berkembang dan menunjukkan tanda-tanda atau gejala-gejala seperti berikut:
  • Kehilangan berat badan secara drastis.
  • Diare yang berkelanjutan.
  • Pembengkakan pada leher dan/atau ketiak.
  • Batuk terus menerus.
Namun jika ada orang yang menunjukkan gejala tersebut diatas, bukan berati orang tersebut telah terinfeksi HIV. Untuk memastikannya, sebaiknya hubungi segera layanan kesehatan terdekat untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan tes darah HIV.
Sedangkan IMS (Infeksi Menular Seksual) sering juga disebut sebagai penyakit kelamin, yaitu penyakit yang sebagian besar ditularkan melalui hubungan seks atau hubungan kelamin.
Orang yang mengidap IMS memiliki resiko yang lebih besar untuk terinfeksi HIV, karena luka yang terbuka yang memberi jalan untuk masuknya HIV.
HIV, karena terutama ditularkan melalui hubungan seks, oleh karena itu HIV juga termasuk jenis IMS.
Adapun tanda-tanda atau gejala-gejala IMS adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Ada cairan yang keluar dari penis, vagina atau dubur. Terasa pedih atau panas sewaktu buang air kecil dan/atau melakukan hubungan seks.
  • Nyeri di perut bagian bawah(wanita), buah pelir(laki0laki), serta pantat dan kaki. Pada wanita seringkali gejala ini tidak dirasakan, walaupun sebenarnya sudah terkena IMS.
  • Melepuh, lecet, kutil ruam dan/atau pembengkalan di sekitar kelamin, alat kelamin dan/atau mulut.
  • Gejala seperti itu juga meliputi demam, pusing nyeri otot dan/atau pembengkakan kelenjar.
Jika anda merasakan salah satu tanda atau gejala diatas, segera periksakan diri ke dokter atau layanan kesehatan terdekat.

Adapun Kondom merupakan penghambat atau dinding pencegah terjadinya pertukaran cairan yang berasal dari dalam tubuh. Jika anda suka berganti-ganti pasangan atau terlibat hubungan seks dengan lebih dari satu pasangan, kondom adalah alat perlindungan yang baik.
Menggunakan kondom berarti 10000 kali lebih terlindung dari pada tidak menggunakannya.
Dan pastikan sewaktu hendak menggunakan kondom, bahwa kondom tersebut berkualitas baik, berstandar mutu internasional dan perhatikan pula tanggal kadaluwarsanya.

Berikut tips cara mencegah penularan HIV:
  • Anda tidak melakukan seks bebas yang beresiko.
  • Bersikap saling setia dengan pasangan.
  • Cegah dengan memakai kondom
  • Jangan menggunakan narkoba, terutama dengan suntikkan.
Sumber: Komisi Penanggulangan Aids, Aksi Stop Aids, dll.

My blog on top of 100k Alexa Ranking!!! That's my daydreaming Oh... I always hope that my dream comes true...But when ? Hmmm....until now I still don't know exactly how to achieve it.
Are there some easy ways to manipulate my Alexa Rank?
I have been searched some ways to boost my site traffic rank in the past few week. I have also tried to post traffic booster article to increase traffic in my site 3 days ago. I hope It' ll really work on it in the next few week. Cause my Alexa rank now(July 23, 2007), as you can see in my site, around 8 million. My goodness, that's in the bottom level. what a shame!

Learning from John Cow to boost Alexa Rank, he said that some people thought by adding Alexa redirect URL to their home page, it could boost their rank. But according to the expertis who have shared their thought that it is a big-no, and have recommended to stop using that.
Still from John Cow post, he suggest to start using Firefox With Google Toolbar to boost Alexa Rank. Because the statistic of their web server said that 64.4% their visitor are Firefox user. So it could be potentially increase your Alexa Rank 60%.
Meanwhile Terence Chang in his post of How to Increase Alexa Ranking, suggest us to join community blog like MyBloglog.com, BlogCatalog.com, Bumpzee.com and StumbleUpon.com. He has posted traffic booster related post.
He also took the Alexa redirect out from his site after read the articles from the internet which claimed Alexa does not work and sucks.
I will try all those informations above for my blog's Alexa Rank. I've already signed up for
MyBloglog.com, BlogCatalog.com, and Bumpzee.com and StumbleUpon.com. And I will learn and keep trying to find from other sources the ways to increase it. Of course I will tell you all the informations of my result in the next few days.

There is a concept to increase traffic for your blog. I have invited by Bryan from One Mans Goal to join this concept which is created for blogger to increase incoming link to their blog. The concept is Viral Link. Just place our link and add your friends link on top of the list and You create a viral link that will be spread around the internet. And than ask people to do the same. As easy as that.
Would you join this viral link and let the magic link spread...???

Here is how you need to do:
1. You write something that will make this viral link works. use your own words and avoid "copy and paste".
2. Put the copy of the list of the Originals below to your blog.
3. Place your link and your friend link on top of "the original list".
4. Add new blog that using Do Follow plug in to the list in "My Add". And let they know about it. So they can keep list going.
That's it.

My Adds:
Bryan - Terence Chang

The list:

Bryan | Terence Chang | Cangkru'an Rek-Yustiawan | 365 Days - One Goal - Can I Do It? |Ryan Shamus |Blah Blah Blog |7Confessions | Boost Alexa Traffic Ranking to make money online | Dani | Jesse | Nessa | Uncle Sam | Mariuca | This is a Miracle | Revellian | d bImBo | Secret of Mind | A Great Pleasure | Little world of thoughts | Renisphere | mott’s island | Kev’s Walkabout | iBubbs woof | Down Memory Lanes | Woof & Arf | Lovely Mummy | Bubba Stuff | Mommibee | Moments in My Life | Rambling Moo | All about Zara & Zaria | Hip n cool momma | Random Thoughts of a Blur Mommy | Mylittleanelqianyi | Bits & Pieces | De’moments | chinneeq | Giddy Tiger | Huei Rabbit | Rinnah | Simple America | Niceheart | Ethel | Sanna | The Queer Chef | Shoshana | Leah | gina | Haze | Ghee | Neng aka Sirena | Angelo | Ju aka The Border aka Juana of Femjo | Tina | Keep the Faith | jsonvlog | Suncoast Scribe | Blogging Kenneth | My 2 Centavos Worth | Manila Mom | 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs and A Family | Cafe Romanza | Earn Global | Credit Ability | Macuha | Flee the Cube | MomReviews.net | Fellow Eskimo | Pajama Mommy | Amanita.net | WebStyle | Meredith’s Weight Loss Blog | Pink Blog | Tricia’s Musings | Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot | Midlife Musings | Utterly Geek | Whatever I Feel Like | My Dandelion Patch | Surviving NJ | GeekySpeaky | Simple Kind Of Life | 3DayMom | BuyMeBlog | The Hockey Dad | 40s Singleness-Learn English Online | Taylor’s Celebrity Quotes | My Journey Into Life Piglet.com | My Travels, Travails, and Thoughts | Notes of an Asian Gastronomist | Absolutely True | cymru66 | Two Write Hands | Gosmelltheflowers

Informasi ringan nan menarik seputar tanggal, bulan dan tahun kelahiran Anda. Pada hari apakah Anda lahir. Bintang Anda. Umur anda dalam hitungan tahun, bulan, hari, jam, dan detik. Siapakah tokoh penting dunia yang lahir di hari yang sama dengan anda.
Dan masih banyak informasi lainnya di seputar hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran anda yang dapat anda peroleh disini. Walaupun dalam Bahasa Inggris, informasi ini cukup menarik untuk disimak dan dicoba. Tertarik....???

Selain bisa mendapatkan informasi penting mengenai even dan peristiwa penting apa saja di dunia yang terjadi di hari kelahiran anda, anda juga bahkan bisa tahu head line surat kabar terkemuka di dunia yang mengantar ikut kelahiran Anda pada saat itu.
Pokoknya dijamin seru abis...Segudang informasi dari segala penjuru dunia bisa Anda dapatkan hanya dengan memasukkan tangal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran Anda.
Penasaran untuk segera nyoba...? Klik saja disini: HARI KELAHIRAN

Gimana..menurutmu.....Asyik enggak.....?

Indonesia gonna have nuclear power plants. The goverment plans to built its first nuclear power plant on the foothills of Mount Muria, a dormant volcano on the north coast of Java island.
A well constructed nuclear power plant maybe have an important advantage when it comes to electrical power generation. They extermely clean.
Compared with a coal-fired power plant, nuclear power plants are a dream come true from an environmental standpoint. A coal-fired power plant actually releases more radioactivity into the atmosphere than a properly functioning nuclear power plant. Coal-fired plants also release tons of carbon, sulfur and other elements into the atmosphere.
But we have to consider the very real possibility of a large industrial accident occurring within the plant as a result of mechanical failure, human failure, and natural disaster which almost every year strikes our community.

There are significant problems with nuclear power plants:
1. Natural phenomenom like earthquake, tsunami, storms, and ligthning can contribute to increase d safety risk at nuclear power station.
2. Mining and purifying uranium has not, historically, been a very clean process.
3. Improperly functioning nuclear power plants can create big problems. The Chernobyl disaster is a good recent example.
Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 occurred as a result of an experiment on how long safety equipment would function during shutdown at the fourth reactor unit at Ukraine's first and largest nuclear power station. The operators had dismantled safety mechanisms at the reactor to prevent its automatic shutdown, but this reactor type (a graphitemoderated Soviet RBMK) became unstable if operated at low power. An operator error caused a power surge that blew the roof off the reactor unit, releasing the contents of the reactor into the atmosphere for a period of about twelve days.Chernobyl was poorly designed and improperly operated, but it dramatically shows the worst-case scenario. Chernobyl accident scattered tons of radioactive dust into the atmosphere.
4. Problems of waste disposal. Spent fuel from nuclear power plants is toxic for centuries, and, as yet, there is no safe, permanent storage facility for it.

5. Transporting nuclear fuel and waste to and from plants poses some risk: how do you guarantee against an accident en route?

These problems have largely derailed the creation of new nuclear power plants. Our goverment and society seem to have decided that the risks outweigh the rewards. So what do you think ?? give your comment here...

A useful tip for you which allows you to search for some one faces and potraits images with Google Image Search. If you try searching for Paris(Hilton)with Google Image Search, you will have multiple images related to Paris. Paris Hilton faces and potraits, as well as the city intermixed.

But if you try this face search tips, it will shows you only images with Paris Hilton face photos. Want to try this?

How does this face recognition search work?

If the normal search url looks like this

Simply add &imgtype=face to the URL, and enter. Your new face search results will be displayed.

If you append &imgtype=news to the URL, the new results features images related to the news event.

Try it...

Source: Quick On Line Tips

After you decide to create your blog on Blogger, it has a simple and fine interface that takes care of many things for you. There are suggestions to you for your first "free essential must haves" for your blog.
1. Feedburner - It generates an smart feed compatible with all feed readers for free like my feed. It allows you to put easy subscribe buttons for XML, Add to Yahoo, Add to Newsgator, Add to MSN etc. Read about how their single feed policy can benefit you.
It can give you a cool feed count chicklet button to show how many readers are using your feed to read your blog. It also gives you a headline animator which you can attach to your blog to display the recent 5 posts in a nice animated fashion. You can get an authentic Creative Common license, get a browser friendly RSS feed, Splice photos and links and more…
2. Haloscan - Trackback is an essential component of blogging these days. Unfortunately Blogger does not have trackback. Haloscan provides you with a seamless way to integrate free trackback in your blog by adding a small code. You can also integrate their comments component if you like to replace the Blogger comments. Read about Haloscan or Blogger comments.
The benefits are that you can edit Haloscan comments, and open them in a pop up and keep them separate from your post (Blogger allows you to only delete comments and not edit them, also on the post page all comments will show whether you like it or not).
The main disadvantage is it will not email you these comments (like Blogger) for free and it is difficult to track where these comments were made. Another major benefit is that it allows you to send pings and trackback to other sites when you mention about them in your posts.
3. Imageshack - Dont you want to fill your blog with images without hassles of registration. Imageshack provides an excellent interface to take care of your free image hosting needs. Maybe it is this the fastest way to host an image on the web. Allows lots of image format, hotlinking, transloading from other sites. Its a good idea to register to keep track of all your images in one place. It is much convenient than the proposed Hello and Picassa options…
Update: Blogger enabled hosting of images on its own webspace making it easier to host images in your posts. But you cannot manage or edit / delete your blogger images in any way
4. Technorati - Create and add a technorati profile. It allows you to claim your blog in this huge blogosphere. It allows you to put an excellent technorati search on your blog. The best part is that whenever someone mentions or links to any page of your blog, technorati knows and a search for your blog on technorati shows exactly how many sites link to which pages of your blog and when they were added with a small description. See why you need a technorati account.
5 - Sitemeter - Just takes 5 minutes to get a free tracker which gives you realtime site traffic statistics to check the quantity and quality of your site traffic with detailed referrer and geographic data. I have checked out several other tracking sites, but this one seems the best. Although you need to keep a counter visible (as a logo, visitor counter) and the statistics can be made private too.
StatCounter gives much more detailed statistics and the counter is totally invisible and free totally till you start getting large traffic, when you need to pay. But the disadvantage is that both of these track the last 100 visitors only, while another free service Extreme Tracking tracks them all… but you statistics cannot be made private. More options I like are Google Analytics for deep traffic statistical analysis and it is hidden too.
6. Feedblitz - It quickly allows your blog visitors to subscribe by email to your new posts. They just have to enter their email. You decide which page opens after they press Subscribe. A quick confirmatory email to them and they get 1 email daily with all your new posts. You can decide if you want to send the full post or short posts with defined number of characters. Very good to keep your subscribers informed of new posts. It allows them to unsubscribe easily also. Example for our blog.
7. My Blog Log - Tracks outgoing links to let you know where your traffic is going. The free limited version data is not in much detail, yet provides a good idea. You can also add a Top 5 Our Links module to your web site. Now they have a MyBlogLog community to get some extra site traffic too.
8 AudioBlogger- Audioblogger allows free unlimited audio posts from any phone to your Blogger blog. You call the number (Currently a US phone number), record a post, then your blog is updated with an audioblogger icon and a link to your recorded audio.
9. w.bloggar - It is a Post and Template editor, with several features and resources that the browser based blog editors do not offer. It enables users to have only one interface to several accounts hosted on several different sites, using different publishing systems. Helps to manage multiple blogs on Blogger very effectively.
10 Blogger Mobile - opens a new concept of Moblogging i.e. blogging by your mobile phone. When you send text or photos from your mobile device to go@blogger.com they’re automatically posted to your new blog page.
11. Blogexplosion - helps you get confirmed traffic to your blog. The principle is simple, you visit other peoples blogs and they visit yours. For every 2 blogs you visit, one visitor comes to you. This is very good if you are new blogger and have hardly any traffic. Definitely try the Rent a Blog advertising swap service.
12. Pingoat - Pinging lets dozens of blogging services know you’ve updated your site and increases traffic to your blog. Just enter your blog name and blog home page, check the blogging services you want to ping, just click ‘Submit Pings’ and in one click it pings all of them. Pingoat offers a wide variety of such services and is fast too. See many more one click pinging services.
13. Creative Commons - It offers a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors and artists. They have built upon the “all rights reserved” of traditional copyright to create a voluntary “some rights reserved” copyright. They are nonprofit and all tools are free and useful to highlight the way in which you want others to use you content.
14. Google Adsense and Search - When you take all effort to write for a blog, why not optimize it to make some money. Let users search for good posts in your blog. And now it even helps to monetize you feeds.

Source: Quick on line tips

Apakah rekan-rekan termasuk orang yang sering menggunakan layanan SMS ?. Atau malah termasuk yang hobi berat ber-SMS ria ?
Wuah....kebetulan...ada berita menarik nih bagi rekan-rekan semua. Ada cara untuk ber-SMS ria gratis.....bagi pengguna Indosat atau XL !!. Beneran.. 100% gratis !!
Rekan rekan semua dapat ber-SMS sepuas-puasnya dengan pacar, teman, kerabat, ataupun saudara tanpa dipungut biaya sepeser pun. Menarik bukan.

Ya...sangat menarik sekali. Kebetulan saja ketika browsing di internet ada informasi semacam itu. Memang seribu satu macam informasi bisa kita dapatkan lewat internet.
Saya juga sudah mencoba SMS gratis ini. Hasilnya...memang benar-benar bisa dan gratis....tis...


Sebelumnya, saya pesankan untuk rekan semua, manfaatkan info ini untuk hal-hal yang bermanfaat dan mendesak saja. Saya menyatakan tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala akibat dari postingan ini. Saya juga tidak bertanggung jawab apabila alamat yang saya beritahukan digunakan untuk hal yang kurang benar dan melawan hukum. Salam.

Seperti diambil dari: Elektronika-Elektronika

Almost every year, emergency situations strikes our communities. Tsunami, severe storms, floods, earthquake, and fires are the most common. No one now is immune. A catastrophe can hit anyone, anywhere in this country
Natural and industrial disasters are truly unpredictable, at least to the general population. Hot mud flow in Porong, several transportation and industrial accidents, and even terrorist attack fall into this category. Such event seem remote and improbable, and generally with out warning.

On the other hand, most emergency situations can be foreseen. For example, if you live in a forested area, you need to be prepared for a forest fire. Likewise, if you live in a flood plain or a tornado zone you must have a safety plan to deal with those possibilities. Moreover, everyone needs to know what they would do in case of a home fire. Whether you live in a house or an apartment you must have an escape plan.

Catastrophes are often associated with extreme weather, so it’s very important to heed weather warnings. Even with very short notice, you can take necessary precautions and cancel unnecessary activities.

On the other hand, a major fire or flood may require evacuation. Where would you stay? How would you get there? You’ll need to take personal essentials, including personal identification for all family members. Keep your gas tank at least half full; you may need to make a trip in the car at a moment’s notice.

Precautionary habits prove their worth when an unexpected emergency occurs. If your health depends on certain medications, refill prescriptions so you keep at least a week’s supply on hand; and update all contact information and plans whenever there is a change. You should also check that your insurance covers the types of catastrophic events that could happen in your area.

It’s hard to think straight under crisis conditions. Planning in advance for an emergency enables you and your family to make smart decisions. Even though you can’t prevent an earthquake or stop a flood, you can take measures to keep your family safe. That’s the reason why we need Emergency Response Plan for our family and community.


Ditengah kondisi bangsa yang belum saja bisa bisa dikatakan membaik.
Ditengah carut marut kehidupan sosial masyarakat kita dewasa ini.
Bahkan mungkin ditengah kegelisahan kita dengan segala apapun yang kita alami
Kita senantiasa harus selalu merasa yakin bahwa apapun yang terjadi pada diri kita, baik ataupun buruk, semata-mata dirancang oleh Yang Maha Kuasa hanya utuk memuliakan kita.
Kita harus selalu yakin bahwa yang membentuk keberhasilan dan kemuliaan hidup kita adalah kualitas reaksi yang kita berikan terhadap segala yang menimpa kita,
jika kita memperlakukan segala kejadian dengan sikap yang baik, kita akan menjadi pribadi yang berhak untuk hidup dalam kebaikan.

Karena sebetulnya, apapun yang terjadi, setiap dari kita sebenarnya sudah beruntung,
tetapi mungkin kita belum menyadari.
setiap dari kita bisa lebih beruntung.

Orang yang merugi,
adalah dia yang tidak menjadi
sebagaimana dia bisa menjadi.
Dia tidak mencapai keberuntungan maksimalnya.

Masalahnya bukanlah kurangnya pengetahuan,
tetapi tidak cukupnya tindakan.

sekedar bertindak dan bekerja saja tidak cukup, untuk hasil yang terbaik.

Kita harus bekerja keras.
Bekerja keras itu mulia,
karena bahkan saat kita bekerja keras untuk sesuatu yang tidak menghasilkan, kita tetap diuntungkan oleh penampilan dari kesungguhan kita.
Dan kita juga tetap diuntungkan oleh latihan baik yang kita dapatkan di dalam bekerja keras itu.

Bila tidak ada orang yang memperhatikan kerja keras kita,
sadarilah bahwa Yang Maha Kuasa sedang lekat memperhatikan kita.

Janganlah kita berkecil hati,
dengan kecil dan lambatnya hasil dari kerja keras kita.
Karena cinta kasih dari Yang Maha Kasih,
dibangun dari keharuan yang syahdu kepada mereka yang tetap setia pada kerja kerasnya.
Walaupun...apapun itu..

Kita harus bersabar

Karena akan pasti datang.
Penuntun bagi penetapan kerja kita.
Dan karena-Nya juga kita,
akan tumpah semua rahmat yang selama ini tertunda dengan sebuah maksud.
Janganlah lupa bahwa alam tidak pernah berlaku, tanpa sebuah maksud yang pasti.

Kita harus bekerja keras

Kita pasti setuju bahwa bekerja keras pada pilihan pekerjaan yang tepat, akan menghasilkan hadiah yang dapat membiayai pencapaian dari impian-impian kita yang lebih besar.
Bekerja keras sesaat, hanya cukup untuk pencapaian hasil sesaat.

Tetapi hidup kita ini adalah barisan panjang dan tak berjeda dari banyak saat.
Hanya dia yang memiliki disiplin pribadi yang baik, yang akan memastikan dirinya bekerja keras pada pekerjaan yang tepat setiap saat.

maka bekerja keras di sepanjang semua saat itu,
adalah pembangun dan pembentuk kehidupan ini.

Dia yang malas bekerja keras, harus rajin berlatih meminta-minta.
Dia yang menghindari kerja keras saat muda,
akan dipaksa bekerja keras di masa tua...

Seperti dirangkum dari: Discourse milist MTSC

Seperti biasanya, hari minggu pagi adalah hari yang sangat menyenangkan bagi semua orang. terutama anak-anak. Hal juga pula yang dirasakan oleh anak-anak ku. Begitu sinar cerah matahari menyapa, dan mereka terbangun dari tidurnya, "my two super kids" langsung merangsek ke Bapak-Ibunya. Yang sebenarnya lagi memanjakan diri dengan menikmati "perpanjangan waktu tidur" saat wiken. Kali-kali aja akumulasi dari kepenatan setelah seminggu kerja bisa hilang.
Entah ide dari mana mereka memaksakan untuk "jalan-jalan di alun-alun kota. "Mau ke alun-alun Pak, lihat air mancur !!" kata si bungsu sambil terus menarik-narik tanganku. Suatu permintaan yang tidak bisa kutolak untuk kululuskan. Pikirku mungkin mereka jenuh dan ingin bermain di "open space", sambil sekaligus jajan.

Meskipun sudah agak siangan akhirnya berangkatlah kita ke alun-alun kota gresik. Yang jaraknya kurang lebih 5 Km dari rumah. Keramaian minggu pagi sudah mulai berkurang, saat kami sampai disana.
Mereka kubiarkan lepas berlarian dan bermain sesampainya disana. Seperti yang kubayangkan mereka sangat menikmati menghabiskan waktu
di sana beberapa jam . Hal ini bisa ku lihat dari keceriaan wajah mereka , walau berlumur keringat. Ya...lumayan lah...hiburan murah meriah.....pikirku.
Layaknya sebagian kota di Indonesia, alun-alun kota Gresik juga merupakan salah satu tempat nongkrong warga kota. Space yang luas untuk berlarian anak-anak, rumput hijau dan taman yang tertata rapi, banyaknya pedagang makanan dan mainan di sisi-sisinya, juga air mancur di tengah-tengahnya semakin menciptakan kesegaran suasana untuk melepas lelah.
Di hari Minggu pagi, alun-alun selalu dipenuhi dengan aktivitas warga yang ber-olah raga, ataupun yang sekedar berjalan-jalan untuk sekedar menghirup udara pagi yang masih segar. Suasana rindang dan hijau memang ditunjang dengan banyaknya pohon-pohon dan taman disekelilingnya. Ya...alun-alun yang berada di tepat tengah-tengah kota tersebut seakan menjadi "paru-paru kota" bagi warga, di antara berbagai macam pabrik yang berdiri di sekitarnya.
Susana malam minggu adalah puncak kepadatan alun-alun ini. Pengunjung dari semua sudut kota seakan tak mau menyia-nyiakan tanah lapang tersebut untuk bersantai dengan teman, maupun keluarganya. Juga keberadaan rombongan wisatawan lokal yang mampir di alun-alun setelah melakukan wisata religi, semakin meramaikan suasana.
Di seputaran kota Gresik yang tidak terlalu luas memang tidak ada "public facility" yang menawarkan hiburan dimalam hari. Lain halnya dengan Surabaya, tetangga terdekat Gresik, yang banyak dihiasi dengan beragam alternatif hiburan di malam hari. Sehingga tidak sedikit warga Gresik yang "tersedot" kesana.
Ya..alun-alun kota ini semakin hari semakin dirasakan penting keberadaannya bagi warga Gesik. Hal ini seakan juga dipahami oleh pemda setempat. Sehingga tidak heran upaya-upaya untuk semakin mempercantik keberadaannya semakin getol dilakukan. Memang kalau semua komponen dari masyarakat merasa membutuhkan, dan "memiliki" pasti semua akan ikut menjaga dan merawatnya. walaupun masih ada sekelompok kecil orang-orang yang belum menyadari hal tersebut. harapan kita semua, semoga alun-alun Gresik ini semakin cantik dan nyaman bagi semua orang, sehingga menjadi salah satu "icon" kota yang selalu ramai dikunjungi.

A study that used military draft records for more than 240,000 Norwegian men found that firstborns had an edge of 2.3 IQ points on their next oldest brothers, who in turn beat brothers born third by 1.1 points on average.

Men who had been raised as the eldest, whether they were born first, second, or third, had IQs to match their first-born peers. The same was true for those raised or born second, Petter Kristensen and colleagues at the University of Oslo report in the journals Science and Intelligence.

"This study provides evidence that the relation between birth order and IQ score is dependent on the social rank in the family and not birth order as such," Kristensen's team wrote in Science.

Their studies confirmed what many scientists had suspected for more than a century -- that firstborns have an edge.

But attempts to prove the effect have been disputed, in part because the circumstances of each family are different.

To compensate for this, Kristensen's team studied brothers raised in the same families.

And some scientists argue that birth order IQ differences arise in the womb, while others point to family interactions.

To distill potential biological effects from social effects, Kristensen's team dug up the young mens' family birth records and found families whose first-born or first-and second-born children had died before the age of one year.

Larger shares of family resources?

That was when they discovered that it was not birth order so much as growing up as the eldest of the children in a family that made the difference.

Kristensen was quoted by Reuters as saying the findings fit with most existing
theories about why merely being older might affect someone's IQ.

Various researchers have suggested that older siblings might benefit from a larger share of family resources, the process of tutoring their younger brothers and sisters, or from expectations placed on their social rank.

"Things like intellectual resources (and) stimulation from the parents to the child seem to be very important," Kristensen said in a telephone interview.

The findings swayed even skeptics of the theory that birth order affects intelligence.

"Birth order has been studied in relation to everything you can think of," said Joe Rodgers, a professor of psychology at the University of Oklahoma who was not involved in the research.

He said he was impressed that Kristensen's team was able to document a 2.3-point difference in IQ in such a large group.

"An awful lot of parents would pay money if their kids could increase IQ by two real IQ points," Rodgers said in a telephone interview.

The IQ differences were larger in brothers born into smaller families, and to married women with higher education.

But the effect seems to vanish with greater age gaps between siblings, Kristensen's team wrote in the journal Intelligence.

It is unclear what the gap means for individual families, and if it can be found outside this population of young Norwegian men.

"I don't think it would surprise anyone that life is different in Norway than it is in the United States," Rodgers said.

However, "there is no reason to suspect that this should not be valid concerning women as well as men," Kristensen said.

He said he would be interested to see how siblings compare in cultures in which extended family members live together. (*)

Source: Antara News

Internet users leave a mountain of personal information behind each time they log on. And criminal gangs are intent on plundering even more details from people’s computers.
There is a list of ways to protect your personal details when using the Internet and want to hear your views too.

1 Favour common sense over technological solutions. Keep personal documents safe, preferably in a locked drawer. Shred bank statements, credit card slips and bills before throwing them away.

2 If it’s too good to be true, it is. Never open unsolicited “spam” messages. Delete e-mails offering cash, free gifts or stock tips. Millions of unsolicited “spam” messages are sent every day in an attempt to defraud computer users.

3 Basic prevention helps. Protect your computer against identity theft. Install security software to combat viruses, spyware and spam and keep it updated.

4 Know enough about your firewall, the barrier between the public Internet and a personal computer, to know when it is working and when it isn’t. Don’t worry about the geeky complexity of it all, just know it’s operating.

5 Beware of “phishing”, where criminals trick people into revealing personal or financial details, often by sending e-mails purporting to be from a bank. Never casually reply to requests for your personal financial details.

6 Keep your private e-mail address secure. Consider using different e-mail accounts for shopping, banking, friends and work. There are many free account providers.

7 Do not use the same password for different sites. Choose passwords with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Don’t use obvious passwords, such as your first name or “123456″ and don’t write them down. For memory’s sake, choosing a basic root word, then rotating numbers, is safer.

8 Make online payments safely. Never enter a card number unless there is a padlock in the Web browser’s frame, rather than the Web page. The Web address should begin with “https” — the extra “S” stands for “secure”. Consider reserving one credit card for Web use or signing up for a separate online payment service like PayPal.

9 Secure your wireless network at home and be wary when using public access points. Encrypt the connection to scramble communications over the network. Turn off the wireless network when you’re not using it.

10 Treat your laptop computer like cash — never leave it in a locked car or turn your back while using it in a public place. The same holds true with your mobile phone: Lock your phone (and any passwords you keep on it) when not using it.

Source:Reuters Blogs

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Ubah(judul lagu)dengan lagu yang anda cari


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Selamat mencoba !!

When you are in the building and suddenly feel an earthquake happen, you must duck under a desk or sturdy table. Stay away from windows, bookcases, file cabinets, heavy mirrors, and other heavy objects that could fall. Watch out for falling plaster and ceilings. Keep stay undercover until the shaking stops, and always hold onto your cover. if it moves, you must move with it.

Below are some tips for specific areas/locations:
High rise building: If you are in it, and there is no desk or table, move againt an interior wall and protect your head with your arms. Don't use the elevators! Don't be panic if the alarm or springkler system come on. Stay indoors. Glass windows can dislodge during the earthquake and sail for hundreds of feet.
Outdoors:If you are outdoors, move to a clear area away from trees, signs, buildings, electrical wires, and poles.
Near building: Duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster, and other debris. Driving: Pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses, power lines, and other hazards. Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking is over.
Crowded store or other public place: Do not rush for exits. Move away from display shelves containing objects that could fall.
Kitchen: Move away from the refigerator, stove, and overhead cupboards.
Stadium or theater: Just stay in your seat and protect your head with your arms. Do not try to leave until the shaking is over, then leave in a calm, orderly manner. Avoid rushing toward exits.
Quoted from: LAFD Earthquake Handbook

Bersama kita pasti bisa………!
Apapun masalahnya. Seberat apa pun jalan terjal yang harus didaki. Sebesar apa pun aral yang menghadang……kalau kita hadapi bersama, bahu membahu dan bergandeng erat satu sama lain……
Maka kita pasti sampai ditujuan. Kita pasti bisa mencapai apa yang kita inginkan….mencapai keberhasilan!
Dengan kebersamaan kita pasti bisa menjawab semua tantangan. Karena kita tidak berdiri sendirian ditengah jalan yang membingungkan. Selalu ada teman yang akan menggandeng dan mengingatkan kita, kala kita bingung dan merasa putus asa……..

Dengan berjalan beriringan kita pasti sampai ke tujuan. Betapapun berat dan menyesatkannya perjalanan, karena kita yakin bantuan selalu ada di dekat kita. Dan kita sadar bahwa suatu saat dalam perjalanan kita pasti butuh bantuan.
Tidak ada yang tidak mungkin kalau kita lakukan bersama-sama. Bahkan gunung pun dapat kita pindahkan kalau kita bersama.

Jadi kenapa anda diam menyendiri………..?
Ayo berdiri dan bergabung bersama ! Banyak sekali yang harus kita pelajari dan persiapkan bersama saat ini juga !. Karena nasib bukan masalah kesempatan, tapi keputusan. Tidak untuk ditunggu, tapi untuk dicapai.
Dan jangan rela hanya bermimpi. Jangan biarkan orang lain menginjak-injak impian kita. Karena dari impian-impian itulah semangat hidup kita muncul. Dari mimpi-mimpi itulah bahwa kita merasa kita hidup.
Dan kita hidup cuman sekali. Jadi….jangan sia-siakan hidup kita, jangan takut untuk bermimpi, dan jangan takut pula berjuang untuk mencapainya. Demi hidup kita.. dan demi hidup orang-orang yang kita cintai…..

Bahkan kalau pun maut resikonya…..Rasanya jauh lebih gagah dan berharga bagi kita untuk mendapatkanya….. Dari pada hanya duduk diam termangu dari hari ke hari, sambil menatap ketidak berdayaan dan pandangan kosong orang-orang tercinta kita dalam keinginan untuk menggapai hidup yang jauh lebih baik....

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