I've got an e-mail sent by a friend telling about his amazing days in Europe traveling around Amsterdam, Athens, Greece, and Prague. He used an excellent hotel agency who had helped him arrange his Unforgettable moment in Europe. That's makes me feel jealous with him regarding his exciting travel experiences.

He told me that he will never forget his first Amsterdam experiences. Amsterdam has so much to see. Studded with canals and bridges, Amsterdam begs to be explored by food or bike. Amsterdam tours of the city will reveal the more than 40 museums. The famous Van Gogh Museum, the world's largest collection from the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh(1853-1890)draws hundred of thousand of visitor each year. Also Dam Square, a town square in Amsterdam is best known for the famous historical site and monuments.

Next after Amasterdam he went to Athens. Athens has Temple of Olympus, Ancient Agora, Acropolis, and many old cultural riches. No trips to Athens would be complete without a visit to scared rock of the Acropolis an obvious choice for a fortress and sanctuary in ancient time.

He also told me that Greece is a country in Southern Europe with over a hundred inhabited islands therefore it's famous with island touring. Greece also has an ancient culture that has had a significant influence on the arts, language, philosophy, politics, and sports of western society, including the genres of comedy and drama, western alphabets, Platonic ideals and the Socratic method, democracies and republics, and the Olympics.

And the last place he told me that he went to Prague. According to my friend Prague is a great place to be any time of the year. Prague has so many beautiful historical sites such as Prague Castle, Old Town Square with very beautiful historical buildings surround the square , Wenceslas Square the largest and busiest shopping street in Prague, etc. Absolutely fantastic place for leisure, to explore architecture, and go shopping. There's something magic about that city!

He told me that it was because of he used Cheaperthanhotel services, so that he could enjoy all his time in Europe. Cheaperthanhotel gift him the best available services in assisting to find the best quality deal at the best possible price in our in Europe. Cheaperthanhotel have been providing online reservation service since 1996 for more than 30,000 hotels in 130 countries worldwide.

That's it. What an amazing experience my friend has had. That 's the reason I become jealous to him !!!

Picture: Yahoo Travel

Korban flu burung masih berjatuhan juga hingga saat ini. Kiranya ancaman maut virus H5N1 ini masih mengintai kita melalui banyak cara dan datang dari mana saja. Bukan hanya bangkai unggas yang patut kita cermati, akan tetapi segala sesuatu yang bersinggungan dengan unggas pun patut kita waspadai juga. Kali ini virus ganas tersebut mulai di tengarai menyebar dari pupuk tanaman.

Tengok saja berita dari Tempo Interaktif edisi 11 Desember 2007. Mutiah 28 tahun, diberitakan meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit(RS) Persahabatan, Jakarta karena tertular virus H5N1(virus flu burung) yang diduga dari pupuk kandang/pupuk kompos. Dugaan ini berdasar pada pemeriksaan unggas di sekitar tempat tinggal korban hasilnya negatif. Dan dugaan tersebut semakin menguat karena warga Cikokol Tangerang tersebut berprofesi sebagai penjual tanaman, yang setiap harinya bersentuhan dengan pupuk kandang/pupuk kompos sebagai media merawat dan menanam tanaman.

Berita ini selain memprihatinkan juga menuntut perhatian dari pemerintah maupun kita semua, agar tidak sesekali mengendorkan kewaspadan dari ancaman virus flu burung(H5N1) yang senantiasa mengintai kita. Terlebih lagi perhatian dan ketertarikan masyarakat banyak saat ini sedang tersedot ke tanaman hias, seiring dengan lagi booming-nya tanaman aglonema, adenium maupun fenomena dari anthurium . Yang tentu saja hal tersebut tidak bisa lepas dari segala aktifitas yang berkaitan dengan pupuk kandang ataupun kompos....

This year’s scientific report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made clear beyond doubt that climate change is a reality and can seriously harm the future development of our economies, societies and eco-systems worldwide. Immediate action is needed to be able to prevent the most severe impacts. Since climate change is a global issue, tackling climate change and its impacts can only be successfully coordinated at the international level.

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) presents the appropriate forum to do this. It has been expanded by the Kyoto Protocol which includes emission reduction commitments for developed countries over the period 2008-2012.

A new international climate change deal must be put in place in time to ensure that necessary action is undertaken immediately after 2012 when the current phase of the Kyoto Protocol ends. Therefore, comprehensive negotiations on a new climate deal need to begin without further delay. At the Bali Conference, Parties are expected to agree to the launch of this process.

"There is a great deal of public awareness of the significance of the Bali conferences. There is a public demand for concrete and bold accents. Thus we are looking forward to their principal outcome: a bold, global decision addressing climate change without significantly jeopardizing development efforts. That is what makes the Bali climate conference so crucial to the future of humankind" said Mr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono President of Indonesia.

Ever wonder how does big hit site drive traffic to their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and differents forms of marketing schemes. This is all worthwhile because give high earning, big hitting websites.

There are many ways to generate low cost website traffic without having to spend what you don’t have or can’t afford. Many people have banked on high cost methods and have ended up losing their shirt over it.
Here the top five ways to generate low cost website traffic that could help our site a whole lot:

1. Exchange links
Exchanging links also boosts your chances of getting a high ranking in search engine results. It is common knowledge that search engines ranks high sites that have inbound and outbound theme-related links. With a good ranking position in the search engines, you will generate more traffic in your website without the high costs.

2. Traffic exchange
This is like exchanging links but on a different higher level. This may cost a bit more than exchanging or trading links but could be made cheaper because you get to earn credits. You can use those credits when viewing others traffic, while you earn credits when someone views yours.
Traffic exchange services are the viewing of another’s site or page. This is done vice versa where a site can use your sites contents and so can you to his or her site. Once again the public awareness of your sites existence is boosted.

3. Write and Submit Articles
Write articles that are themed along with the niche of your site. Write something that you have expertise on so that when they read it, they can feel your knowledge about the subject and will be eager to go to your site. Write articles that produce tips and guidelines to the subject or niche your site has.

4. Make a Newsletter
This may sound like hard work because of all the articles you may need to use to build a newsletter but on the contrary, this is not so. There are many writers and sites that are willing to provide free articles as long as they can get their name in on your newsletter. This will also provide free advertising for them as well.

As your newsletter gets pass around, you can widen your public awareness and build an opt-in list that can regularly visit your site.

5. Join Online Communities and Forums
This only requires your time and nothing else. You can share your knowledge and expertise with many online communities as well as your website. You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

Source: The Millionaire League.Com
Picture: Lir3nt's Hack

Buah merah, buah yang bernama Latin "Pandanus conoideus Lam" tumbuh di dataran tinggi 1000 - 3000 meter dpl ini banyak ditemukan di hutan-hutan di seluruh Papua . Terutama yang terbanyak ditemukan di pegunungan Jayawijaya.
Bentuk buahnya yang seperti nangka cempedak dengan panjang mencapai 1.5 meter, tadinya banyak di biarkan terlantar dan banyak dipakai oleh suku-suku di pedalaman Papua sebagai teman makan umbi-umbian, bahkan juga sebagai pakan ternak.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini buah merah menjadi sangat terkenal, tidak saja di kalangan masyarakat Papua, tapi juga masyarakat seuruh penjuru tanah air. Fenomena ini terkait dengan hasil penelitian yang menemukan bahwa buah merah mengandung anti oksidan yang bersifat anti kanker dan tokoferol atau vitamin E.

Buah ini sontak menjadi fenomena baru di dunia pengobatan alternative dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, karena khasiatnya yang sanggup menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Bahkan buah ini juga dipercaya mampu menyembuhkan HIV/AIDS. Dan tetu saja hal tersebut menjadi kabar yang menggembirakan bagi masyarakat.

Namun kepercayaan berlebih tanpa batas tentang khasiat buah merah ini juga dapat mengundang celaka. Terutama mengenai klaim bahwa buah merah dapat menyembuhkan AIDS.

Menurut ahli gizi senior dan pelatih WHO untuk perawatan, dukungan, dan pengobatan AIDS Dr Paul F Matulessy, MN.PGK.DspGK, adalah salah jika buah merah disebut bisa menyembuhkan AIDS. " Itu adalah Kesimpulan yang keliru" tegasnya dalam suatu diskusi bulanan mengenai asupan gizi bagi ODHA di Jakarta.

Bahkan beliau menuturkan kisah tragis orang dengan HIV/AIDS(ODHA) yang begitu mempercayai khasiat buah mearh tersebut, sampai-sampai ia memutuskan berhenti untuk menggunakan obat Antiretroviral(ARV) ynag berfungsi sebagai pencegah penggandaan sel HIV. Akibatnya dalam hitungan bulan kondisi ODHA tersebut semakin memburuk dan kemudian meninggal dunia.

Menurut Dr Paul, buah merah semestinya harus dipandang sebagai pelengkap ARV, karena buah merah mampu membantu limphosit meningkatkan jumlah sel kekebalan tubuh(CD4). "Namun buah merah tak bisa membunuh AIDS" tegas beliau.

Selain tetap mengkonsumsi ARV, yang paling penting dan utama bagi ODHA adalah menjaga asupan gizi. Dengan menjaga asupan gizi yang baik, sistem kekebalan tubuh atau CD4 dari ODHA akan bertambah, sehingga kualitas hidup mereka juga jadi lebih baik. Dengan kata lain, kombinasi ARV dan pemberian gizi yang baik akan memperlambat tahapan HIV ke stadium AIDS.

Picture from: InfoPapua.com

The climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it has altered as a result of natural causes. Nowadays, however, the term climate change is generally used when referring to changes in our climate which have been identified since the early part of the 1900's. The changes we've seen over recent years and those which are predicted over the next 80 years are thought to be mainly as a result of human behaviour rather than due to natural changes in the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is very important when we talk about climate change as it relates to the gases which keep the Earth warm. It is the extra greenhouse gases which humans have released which are thought to pose the strongest threat.

The greenhouse effect is at the center of the climate change debate. Therefore, its important to understand how its affects our planet.
The sun heats up the earth by sending solar rays towards us. Some of these rays don't get through our atmosphere. Those that do, warm up the Earth.

When the Earth warms up it radiates its own rays of heat - infrared rays. Those which don't escape past the atmosphere, are absorbed by greenhouse gases. These green houses gases warm the Earth so it is at the temperature we experience now. Without this process the Earth would be some 30 C cooler and life on our planet would be very different.

However, we are producing too many greenhouse gases, which mean they are absorbing more heat and warming the Earth too much - this is called "global warming".
One of main greenhouse gases is Carbon Dioxide which can be created from the chopping down and burning of trees.

The fossil-fuel used in cars, power-plants and machinery also creates Carbon Dioxide. Therefore, if we reduce the use of fuel and reduce deforestation, the amount of greenhouse gas around the Earth should also be reduce.

Scientists say it is already too late to prevent global warming and therefore climate change. But by reducing greenhouse gases we could still limit the impact. Even a change in temperature of under 1 C is enough to cause changes in rainfall and sea level rises.

from the BBC Weather Centre
picture from: Linc Gas Service Care

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