What is Mom's mean for you? The simple question with a big, big, big mention and hard to answer...

Mom's mean :

A women who had bring you in her pregnan for over than 9 month... it isn't a short day. ..

A women who loved you, much love you, take care of you from your birth until we grow up just like now..be a man, a women like now....

A women who is always gave you the best her effort to fulfill your request.... event it will be hurting herself...

Many.. many..poetry we can describe for MOM ... but those could not replace her LOVE to us...event just like a small as dust...

Remain yourself:

Have you gave her a little bit attention for her when she was talk to you?

Have you gave her a little present in her birthday or in her special moment, event just once for a year?

Have you ever gave her a big huge when she's cried?

No one can replace her in our site...., our live...

Please ask in your deep heart...What is Mom mean for YOU? What we have done to our MOM in the pass year.....

It's no time to say...."it's to late..."

Let make her happy... maybe it's only a few days left that we have together with her.... or we have to sorry... DON'T BE LATE....

Happy Mom's Day

Written by: Hasti Widiyanti

Pengumpulan koin untuk Prita hari ini akan ditutup. Walaupun gugatan atas Prita Mulyasari telah dicabut oleh pihak RS Omni Internasional, namun dukungan dari masyarakat terus mengalir. Mulai dari rakyat jelata hingga mantan menteri pun ikut bahu membahu mendukung Prita. Hal ini mengisyaratkan protes mayarakat luas terhadap sistem hukum yang tidak memihak rakyat. Proses pengadilan yang mencederai hati nurani rakyat.

Lebih dari 6 ton koin receh yang terkumpul adalah simbol perlawanan rakyat kecil, yang selama ini ditindas dan menjadi korban proses hukum, dengan mengatas-namakan keadilan. Koin adalah simbol protes, sindiran dan juga bentuk keprihatinan dari Rakyat kecil. Simbol perlawanan rakyat akan kesewenangan hukum yang menginjak-injak rakyat kecil. Hukum yang tidak mengayomi.

Rakyat semakin vokal dan cerdas dalam menggungat dan mempersoalkan proses hukum yang jelas-jelas tidak adil dan tanpa nurani. Bukan hanya kasus Prita. Lihatlah bagaimana hukuman percobaan terhadap nenek Minah oleh Pengadilan Negri Purwokerto atas tuduhan pencurian 3 buah biji kakao. Lalu coba tengok para korutor dan makelar kasus yang walaupun sangat jelas terindikasi kuat atas kejahatan mereka, tetapi sampai saat ini pun belum terjamah oleh tangan-tangan hukum.

Ada apa dengan semua ini? Ada apa dengan sistem peradilan kita? Semuanya itu mengusik nurani rakyat, kesadaran rakyat banyak akan keadilan. Dan semuanya itu kini yang menjadi penggerak rakyat, kita semua, untuk mulai saat ini ikut beraksi. Mencermati dan selalu mewaspadai segala tindak ketidak-adilan dari para aparat hukum yang korup dan menyalah-gunakan kewenangannya, demi kepentingan pribadi maupun kelompoknya.

Kasus Prita menunjukkan kalau rakyat Indonesia masih punya nurani. Rakyat bisa untuk bertindak lebih pintar dan cerdas dalam ikut menentukan arah masa depan bangsa ini. Kasus ini menginspirasikan kita semua akan kuatnya "people power". Cukuplah sudah penindasan rakyat kecil. cukuplah sudah kesewenangan para pemegang kekuasan atas rakyat kecil. Kini saatnya rakyat ikut menentukan. kini saatnya rakyat ikut bicara......Thanks to Prita. Thanks to para penggagas gerakan koin untuk Prita. Thanks to seluruh Rakyat Indonesia....

Hari Anti Korupsi Internasioanl kemarin diperingati dengan aksi demo di perbagai daerah. Segenap elemen masyarakat ikut terlibat. Mulai dari orang tua sampai anak-anak. baik dari unsur LSM, pemuda dan mahasiswa seakan-akan tidak mau melewatkan peringatan tersebut untuk menyuarakan perjuangan pemberantasan korupsi di negri ini.

Peringatan kemarin terlihat lebih semarak dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Selain diwarnai dengan banyaknya tokoh masyarakat dan kalangan artis yang ikut mendukung dan beraksi, peringatan tersebut terasa lebih khusus karena didahului dengan timbulnya ketegangan antara Presiden dengan kalangan aktivis anti korupsi, beberapa hari menjelang hari H peringatan. Kembalinya Bibit dan Chandra ke KPK serta diusungnya desakan transparansi kasus Bank century juga semakin menciptakan nuansa "spesial" pada pringatan hari anti korupsi kali ini.

Di Surabaya, sejumlah LSM seperti Peduli Bangsa, Barisan Banteng Merah Putih, PRD, HMI dan sejumlah mahasiswa dari beberapa Universitas terlihat ikut meramaikan peringatan. Aksi yang diwarnai dengan orasi, aksi teatrikal dan pembagian selebaran tentang desakan pemberantasan korupsi tersebut berjalan cukup aman dan tertib. Para personil keamanan tampak kooperatif, bahu membahu dengan beberapa koordinator aksi untuk mentertibkan jalannya demo, yang berlangsung di depan gedung grahadi gubernuran Surabaya.

Tampaknya masyarakat sekarang semakin telibat aktif dalam mendesak pemberantasan konrupsi. Gerakan aksi dan protes yang merebak ini sebagai cermin semakin cerdasnya masyarakat Indonesia dalam mencermati segala perkembangan yang ada. Pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia kini memasuki tahapan baru yaitu menjadi gerakan rakyat. Gerakan ini merupakan reaksi amarah rakyat, yang mulai merasa kehilangan kepercayaan terhadap para pemimpimpin permerintahan dan wakil rakyat yang kehilangan kemampuan untuk marah terhadap kejahatan korupsi yang terjadi selama ini.

Semoga peringatan Hari Anti Korupsi Internasional kali ini menjadi momentum yang kuat bagi pemberantasan korupsi untuk memperbaiki martabat bangsa ini dengan menciptakan Indonesia yang BERSIH.


Sebelum berlangsungnya Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi(KTT) Perubahan Iklim Internasional di Kopenhagen(7-13 Desember 2009), Perdana Mentri Nepal Madhav Kumar beserta 22 menterinya melakukan rapat kabinet, di dataran tinggi Kalapathar di kaki gunung Everest. Tindakan unik dan keren tersebut diadakan sebagai langkah persiapan untuk menghadapi KTT di Kopenhagen yang dianggap sangat penting untuk membahas langkah-langkah konkret dalam mencegah pemanasan global.

Rapat itu berlangsung di atas ketinggian 17192 kaki atau 5240 meter di atas permukaan laut, bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian dunia akan bahaya pemanasan global yang mengancam penduduk dunia dan kushusnya Nepal. Gletser telah mencair sehingga membentuk sebuah danau glasial yang besar. Dan berpotensi menjadi banjir bandang yang mengancam jutaan jiwa yang tinggal di lereng dan kaki gunung. Sekarang salju hanya tampak di puncak tertinggi Everest. Maka dari itu Nepal sangat berharap akan adanya langkah konkrit yang bisa diambil untuk mencegah "global warming pada KTT di Kopenhagen tersebut.

Sebulan sebelumnya Pemerintah negara kepulauan Maladewa mengadakan rapat kabinet di dasar Samudra Hindia.

Negara kepulauan yang membentang di samudra Hindia tersebut melaksanakan rapat kabinet di dasar samudra dengan tujuan menarik perhatian dunia untuk lebih peduli terhadap pencegahan proses "global warming", sekaligus untuk menyambut dilaksanakan KTT Perubahan Iklim Internasioanal PBB di Kopenhagen.

Aksi tersebut memang telah berhasil menyedot perhatian dunia. Hal ini terbukti aksi yang hebat dan tergolong ekstrim tersebut sekarang seakan menjadi trend bagi para pemimpin pemerintahan dunia.

Lalu bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Bukankah kita mempunyai kepetingan dan keterkaitan yang sama dengan negara-negara tersebut diatas akan ancaman global warming? Bukankah kita bisa mempunyai peran yang besar akan pencegahan proses global warming, karena kita mempunyai terumbu karang dan hutan tropis yang sangat luas, yang mampu mencegah global warming. Tapi kita juga perpotensi sebgai kontributor besar timbulnya emisi karbon sebagai penyebab global warming, karena kita adalah produsen minyak bumi.

Harusnya kita meniru langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh pemimpin pemerintahan dari Maladewa dan Nepal. Karena tindakan tersebut cukup efektif untuk menarik perhatian semua media international demi terangkatnya isu "gobal warming" di negara kita.

Menurut saya, biar nggak kalah keren, Presiden RI perlu menyelenggarakan rapat dengan menteri-menterinya di luar Istana. Misalnya di tengah belantara hutan Kalimantan atau Papua. Pasti nggak kalah seru dengan yang diatas gunung ataupun di dasar samudra.

Kalau menurut anda sendiri, dimanakah lokasi di Indonesia yang paling keren untuk rapat kabinet, sehingga dapat memancing perhatian semua media Internasional guna mengangkat isu global warming?

Sumber: dari segala sumber.
Photo : The Guardian

I'm Back where I belong
My Friends... long to see
I missed you all so much

I took 6 months off
I'm sorry all my pals
on the bloggesphere
It doesn't matter what I do
Always end up here with you

so, being back on the blog
Is a bright spot
and I really look forward to chatting it up
with you 're all again.
Happy blogging...

An Expert said that Indonesia would have five million HIV/AIDS cases in 2010. The number was based on estimation of HIV/AIDS sufferers who came to the hospitals accounting for not more than one tenth of the total number of people who infected with the deadly virus in Indonesia.

Based on data at the Ministry of Health, up to September 2009, a total o 18,422 HIV/AIDS sufferers were recorded in Indonesia, with men-women ratio of 3:1. And almost all provinces across Indonesia had HIV/AIDS cases.
The Number of reported HIV/AIDS cases will reach 93,000 - 130,000 in 2010, which is merely the top of iceberg. Or only 5 - 10 percent of total number of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Indonesia.

The highest number of HIV/AIDS cases occurred in five provinces, namely Papua 17.9 percent of the national figure, Bali 5.3 percent, Jakarta 3.8 percent, Riau Islands 3.4 percent and West Kalimanta 2.2 percen of the overall number in Indonesia.

According to the latest data about 49.57 percent of HIV/AIDS cases involved people in the 20-29 years age group, 29.84 percent in the 30-39 years age group and 8.71 percent occurred in the 40-49 years age group. And sexual intercourse had now become the most frequent cause of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the society, accounting of 50 percent of the total number of sufferers. While the use of syringes only 40.7 percent and the spread of HIV?AIDS among certain groups such as homosexuals and transexuals reached only 3-4 percent.

Source: Antara
Picture: Huffington Post

Hot mud flow in Sidoarjo for the first time burst in Siring village, Porong, Sidoarjo, East Java province on May 29 2006. 200 meters from the well drilling of Lapindo Brantas Inc. in Renokenogo village. For the last three years, hot mud outpouring has reached at an average rate more than 40,000 m3/day, with a temperature of 80 - 90 degrees Celsius. The"mud volcano" in Sidoarjo district has inundated 4 adjacent villages, displaying nearly 7000 people. Almost 12,000 medical treatments have been carries out, mainly for people affected by the release of hydrogen sulphide gas.

The Sidoarjo mud handling board now focusing on overcoming mud spill on the surface, rather than trying to stop the outpouring

There is no effective way of stopping the mud outpours. Some efforts to stop the outpouring that had been done included building a relief well and planting concrete balls. But everything is of no avail, although trillions of IDR had been spent. Thot mud outpouring had reached the stage of cauldron with a rapid process of deformation reaching 4 meters a day.

According to some experts, hot mud flow are geological phenomena due to over pressurized, subsurface mud layer. The cause of the eruption has not yet been established. However, it may be linked to the gas exploration activities by Lapindo Brantas Inc. at the Banjar Panji I well.

Others experts maintained that the disaster has nothing to do with drilling, but is a natural phenomenon, for the reason that the center of the outpours lies 200 meters from the drilling site, and therefore suspected of being triggered by a tectonic quake in Yogyakarta on May 27, 2006.

Picture: Reuters

Orangutan is one of the man's closest relatives and most enigmatic cousins in the animal kingdom, sharing 96.4 % of our DNA. Orangutan could be virtually extinct within several years after it was discovered that the animal's rain forest habitat is being destroyed even more rapidly than had been predicted. Orangutan mean person of the forest. If the forest are gone, then the orangutans will be gone too...as the forest are their habitat.
The Borneo OrangUtan Survival Foundation UK, a charity which works to rescue, rehabilitate and release the animals into protected forest, warned that at the current rate of deforestation by some industry, orangutans in the wild could be close to extinction by 2010.

According to data from the Forestry Ministry's Natural Resources Conservation Center, forest have been declining annually between 1 and 1.5% in Sumatra and between 1.5 and 2% in Kalimantan.

The forests decline was partly due to the implementation of regional autonomy in 2001, which has given regencies authority to issue any regulation they consider necessary for their respective regencies to attract new investments.
With such authority, many regencies have seen their forests decrease rapidly, bringing catastrophe to many species, including the orangutan.

The rapid conversion of forests, combined with weak enforcement of environmental laws, has also increased the human-orangutan conflicts as many orangutans start seeking food outside of their habitat.

According to Center for Orangutan Protection(COP), politicians and state officials were to blame for letting and even supporting the constant illegal deforestation in the national park.

Construction of the road destroyed the habitat of orangutans and leads to wide scale deforestation. Between 22,000 and 70,000 people have contributed to the deforestation of 23,712 acres of Kutai National Park. The park was turning into a city, with an airport, gas station, and red light district.

The COP has urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to enforce the law in order to preserve endangered orangutans in the Kutai National Forest.

The best solution is to seize and put the corrupt politicians and officials to jail. This will make their supporters leave the forests and stop all illegal activites.

Compile from: Any resources.
Picture : The Jakarta Post/JP

Sura-Madu Bridge 5.438 kilometers connecting Surabaya city and Madura Island in East Java province will be the new icon of development for East Java. Sura-Madu will be the longest bridge in Indonesia and even in Shout-east Asia.
Sura-Madu bridge that connect Java island and Madura island is expected to gift benefit, merit and improvement to the people of Madura.
"Since the begining of the construction, we have to involve our relatives, community figures, experts and leaders in East Java area especially in Madura. It is due to our expectation of the growth of Madura Island by the establishment of Sura-Madu bridge later, weather it is at the industrial area, services area, and so on in the very begining we have to invite and also bring the improvement to them.

There must be no distance in the expanding effort of Madura, because they are the real agent of establishment. And it may be united between their hope and wishes with our awareness and also the cooperation between central and local government, private and university side. It will produce a good synergy. We build Sura-Madu bridge for the interset of our people" said The President of Indonesia Mr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

"We want Surabaya and Madura becoming more progressive, the people becoming more prosperous, without leaving behind the good aspect. Both religious and custom aspect" the President said.

Public Works Minister, Mr Djoko Kirmanto said that hopefully Sura-Madu bridge, the longest bridge in Indonesia would be inaugurated by the President on June 10th 2009.

The construction contract for the building of the bridge was signed on September 24th, 2004 between China and Indonesia. And the construction work began in a year after, October 2005.

"All aspecs of the toll road have been met, the government still has yet to determine the company that will manage the operational of the bridge" The Minister said.

The bridge is one of the most significant cooperative projects between China and Indonesia. With the closing process completion and the bridge in operation, the bridge can provide smooth traffic for both Surabaya people and also Madura residents. And make its own contributions to the local economic and social development.

"With the great efforts made by the China Road and Bridge Corporation, the main contractor, I am sure that the bridge can pe complete and operate on time" the Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto said earlier.

Picture from: Suramadu.com

The World Ocean Conference(WOC) would be held on May 11 to May 16 in Manado, North Sulawesi Indonesia. The expected output from the WOC 2009 is the formal adoption of the Manado Ocean Declaration to e followed by action plan and the establishment of the World Ocean Forum.
The world need to be aware of the importance of oceans, and the World Ocean Conference 2009 will discuss oceans in relation to global climate change. Indonesia hopes the conference of over 120 nations will produce a tangible outcomes to assist its 17000 islands in countering the impact of global warming.

Geographically, Indonesia archipelago consists of 73 percent water and 27 percent land. With more than 17480 islands and coastline stretches as far as 95181 kilometers, which is mean the fourth longest coastline globally after Canada, the United States, and Russia.

The impact of global warming will become very evident as we are an archipelagic state. Increasing temperature will causes the ice pole melt and which will significantly impact our thousands of islands. coral reefs will be killed because of undesirable sea condition. The marine life relying on this reefs are also killed.

Indonesia has huge potential marine and fishery industries. That's why with WOC 2009 and the Coral Triangle Iniciative(CTI) 2009 summit in Manado North Sulawesi hope the global community will become more aware of the importance of oceans to the lives of human being.

Swine flu has not yet hit Lebanon but is threatening a national custom there. Lebanese should stop greeting each other with kisses to the cheek.
According to Reuters Health Minister Mohammad Khalifeh told a news conference called to explain measures to tackle the potential spread of the deadly strain.
" If you visit someone, don't ex-change kisses....Let's stop the social kissing habit," the Health Minister said. Lebanese have long greeted each other with three kisses to the cheek.

Other measures include keeping school children with flu at home and avoiding travel to countries where the viruses has appeared.
The new strain of swine flu has killed at least 150 people in Mexico. Israel, which borders Lebanon to the south, confirmed a case of the virus.

From: Reuters
Picture: The Huffington Post

All Countries in the world moved quickly to protect themselves as Swine Flu spread throughout the world. Here are some reactions and responses to the growing outbreak all over the world:

- WHO officials said that the health body had been informed on about April 9 of unusual cases of suspicious influenza from Mexico that had begun in late March 2009.

- The first death occurred in southern Oaxaca state Mexico on April 13, 2009.

- Dr Miguel Angel Lezana, Mexico's chief epidemiologist, alerted Pan American Health Organizations on April 16 about alarming occurrence of flu and a typical pneumonia in Mexico.

- US and Canadians laboratories identified the virus on april 24. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the outbreak of the never-bfore-seen virus has pandemic potential. But she said that it is still too early to tell if it would become a pandemic.

- Officials believe that Edgar Hernandez, 5 years old, of La Gloria in Mexico's Veracruz state, may have been the first person in Mexico to become infected with the disease.

- South Korea reported on April 28 its first probable case of swine flu after positive preliminary tests on a woman who has just returned from a trip to Mexico

- Mexico ordered restaurants to limit service to takeout as part of a citywide shut down to help contain the spread of swine flu.

- Pakistan has taken precautionary measures at airports and sea ports to monitor the swine flu virus. No case has been reported in any part of the country.

- The Argentine National Migration office decided that all employees in international airports in Argentina must wear facemasks meanwhile the government canceled all inbound flights from Mexico until May 4 among other measures to prevent swine flu from spreading in Argentina.

- Mexico's government kept the country's public venues locked down as it grappled with the new strain of swine flu that is suspected to have killed more than 150 people.

- Three cases of swine flu have now been confirmed in Germany, the latest European country to be hit by the increasingly global outbreak.

- Peru began monitoring passengers on flights from Mexico with swine flu symptoms.

- Countries worldwide have ramped up their border and airport checks and many are advising against non-essential travel to areas where the virus has been found, especially Mexico on April 30, 2009.

- On May 1, 2009 WHO announcement that it was raising the Swine Flu alert to Stage 5, or Pandemic status, is meant as a serious warning that we need to mobilize resources to confront this threat.

Until now Swine Flu is suspected of killing more than people and sickening more than 2400 in Mexico. And US health officials have confirmed 91 cases in 10 states.

Quote from: - The Huffington Post
- FT.com

Picture from: The Huffington Post

Cycling is one of the few physical activities which can be undertaken by majority of people as part of a daily routine.

Here are some of the benefit of cycling:

- Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity. This is beneficial to the lungs which expand to push as much oxygen into the body as possible.

- The heart which beats faster to transport this oxygen around your body. A strong heart and powerful lungs form the basis of general fitness.

- According to the expertise, cycling at least 32 Km per week reduces the risk of coronary heart disease to less than half that for non-cyclist. Cycling at gentle 19-20 Km/h on a flat road uses 450 Kcal per hour.

- It is also claimed that cycling raises the speed of your metabolism for hours afterward, so your body continues to burn calories even after cycling.

- With Cycling leg strength also improved. This is more important than it seems because leg strength improves other mobility by allowing people to get out of chairs more easily, and helps older people especially avoid falls and the broken bones or other injuries associated with them. Include reducing serious injuries caused by fall in older people, osteoporosis, and hip fracture.

- Cycling also releases what are known as endorphins into your blood. These are create a feeling of contentment and happiness, therefore helping to reduce stress and make you feel younger. Naturally, if you ride your bike in pleasant surroundings, your contentment level will be even greater.

There are so many benefits we have from cycling. That's why from this article I suggest to you to start cycling. And if you've already started, just keep cycling and make a community in your surrounding area.

Happy cycling

Quote from: www.cobr.co.uk

Congratulation to Democratic Party as the result of quick count from several independent polling agencies placed the Democratic Party as the winner in general election 2009. The Democratic are the winning party with the most number of votes.
Now, we wait for all your promises as Democratic had said in the campaigns.

Pesta Demokrasi atau Pemilu tahun 2009 berjalan dengan lancar, aman dan damai. Apakah Ini merupakan cermin dari langkah maju bagi perjalan proses demokrasi di negara ini? Atau sebaliknya, jangan-jangan masyarakat sudah mulai menganggap bahwa ini adalah suatu "peristiwa biasa yang tidak penting" bagi perjanan hidup mereka ke depan. Sehingga tidak ada lagi antusiasme dan semangat dari rakyat untuk terlibat. Alias datar-datar saja yang mereka rasakan. Dan memang sepertinya tidak ada kepentingan rakyat di dalamnya...
Berkaitan dengan penyelenggaraan pesta pora demokrasi tersebut, terlepas dari penting dan tidak pentingnya moment tersebut bagi rakyat, berikut ini adalah petikan dari "wawancara imajiner" antara saya (S) dengan pemenang(P) pesta demokrasi tahun 2009 yang berlangsung tanggal 9 April 2009.

(S): Selamat atas keberhasilannya meraih prosentase suara tertinggi di Pemilu th 2009 ini.
(P): Terima kasih, saya merasa hal ini dalah sesuatu yang biasa-biasa aja.tidak istimewa.
(S): Bukankah ini adalah suatu pencapaian yang hebat. mampu mengalahkan partai-partai besar seperti PDIP, Golkar, Demokrat yang lebih terorganisir dan partai-partai kuda hitam seperti PKS, Gerindra, PAN, atau PKB yang lebih ber semangat?
(P): Ah...Kita menjadi terbanyak karena rakyat juga yang lebih pinter milih.
(S): Apa kira-kira yang menjadi rahasianya?
(P): Tidak pakai rahasia-rahasiaan. Juga tidak pakai strategi khusus. Semuanya mengalir begitu saja. Natural selection. Dari rakyat, oleh rakyat dan untuk rakyat juga.
(S): Atau mungkin terikat dengan suatu koalisi tertentu yang marak di antara partai-partai peserta Pemilu th 2009 ini?
(P): Nggak....nggak ada koalisi yang pakai istilah golden-goldenan. Tidak juga dengan poros-porosan.....kita cukup satu warna saja. Atau malah nggak pake warna...
(S): Wahh...kalau begitu...pasti menghabiskan dana yang tidak sedikit untuk jadi pemenang. Soalnya, yang kalah aja menghamburkan biaya bermilyar-milyar?!
(P): Tidak ada biaya besar...bisa dikatakan nol...alias tanpa biaya....!
(S): Ati-ati dengan KPK loh pak...kalau tidak jujur dengan biaya kampanye....
(S): Benar....!!! Saya tidak bohong..!!!Semuanya serba nunut.
(P): Loh...kok....????
(S): Iya...nunut dari media cetak, elektronik, dan semua media masa yang ada....! Bahkan juga kita menjadi semakin besar dan menguat karena kontribusi dari semua partai-partai peserta pemilu......Ini semua juga karena segala pesta pora yang dilakukan mereka semua menjelang pemilu, yang mereka sebut sebagai kampanye. Padahal kata seorang budayawan kondang lebih tepat kalau disebut "karnaval". Bukan kampanye. Ahh...memang benar-benar sebuah pesta pora demokrasi yang sangat mahal, menghambur-hamburkan duit, lucu, konyol dan mungkin sekejap menghibur rakyat. Dengan panggung-panggung hiburan penuh dengan artis-artis yang cantik, uang yang dibagi-bagi, sembako, makanan kecil, kaos-kaos gratis untuk dipakai sehari-hari, dan malah ada yang bagi-bagi ongkos naik haji segala....!!? Tapi tentu saja.... itu semua semakin menguntungkan bagi kita. Menguatkan kita..!
(S): Kok bisa.....
(P): Ya...iya..lah.....rakyat jadi semakin tahu lewat kampanye-kampanye yang berdana sangat mahal tersebut semua komentar-komentar lucu dan memprihatinkan dari semua Parpol. Semua kebohongan-kebohongan berupa kontrak-kontrak politik, janji-janji kosong untuk rakyat yang mereka sampaikan berulang-ulang..... dari pemilu ke pemilu. Mereka memperlakukan rakyat seakan-akan rakyat adalah objek bodoh yang bisa dibodohi dengan seenaknya mulut mereka. Rakyat yang dianggap "bodoh" itu sekarang ngerti kalau ternyata ada yang lebih "bodoh" dari pada mereka. Yang lagi mengharapkan sesuatu dari keterwakilan mereka berupa hak suara di Pemilu.
(S): Jadi Pak.......(tanpa mampu menahan cerocos dari yang diwawancarai)..
(P): Jadi...(dengan suara semakin meninggi) rakyat akhirnya menjadi penguasa dari diri mereka sendiri...dengan tidak memberikan haknya untuk memilih salah satu dari peserta Pemilu.....dengan begitu mungkin akan sedikit mengurangi kekesalan mereka dan keputus asa-an mereka melihat sepak terjang dari "wakil rakyat" yang kahir-akhir ini semakin memprihatinkan dan memalukan!!!!!...(emosi)
(S) : Loh... bukannya Bapak juga salah satu parpol peserta Pemilu 2009....???(bingung).
(P): Maaf mas....tolong dicatat. Saya memang mewakili pemenang pemilu 2009 ini, tapi saya bukan parpol peserta pemilu 2009...!!!
(S): Mana mungkin Pak...???
(P): Mungkin saja...kita kan nggak milih....Bruakkkk...!!!! Kata orang kita ini Golput.....!!!(orang tersebut sambil memukul meja keras-keras).
Kerasnya suara pukulan itu mengakhiri wawancara tersebut dan sekaligus pula membangunkan saya dari tidur siang di hari minggu ini......Eeee...ternyata wawancara tadi itu cuman mimpi di siang bolong rek...!!??(garuk-garuk ke

- Postingan/tulisan ini semata-mata hasil dari buah mimpi tidur di siang hari, tanpa sama sekali bermaksud untuk mempengaruhi golongan tertentu atau masyarakat luas untuk berpihak atau condong ke salah satu parpol atau golongan, atau.....(waduh cek angele..??!!) atau ngajak-ngajak golput....
- Gunakan hak pilih anda dengan baik, benar, dan bertanggung jawab, untuk ikut menentukan arah perjalanan Bangsa Indonesia ke depan. Satu suara anda akan sangat bermakna bagi terciptanya perubahan menuju Indonesia baru yang lebih baik. Dan itu bisa kita mulai dari sini(pemilu 2009). Ingat.....perjalanan panjang 1000 mil, selalu dimulai dari satu langkah kaki terlebih dahulu..... ( cuilee.....kayak omongannya caleg..hehehe)

Salam contreng.

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